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2019 Annual Conference

October 8–11, 2019

St. Louis, MO

Guided Pathways Implementation: A Holistic Approach to Supporting Student Success at Community College

Wednesday, October 9, 2019 at 4:45 PM–5:30 PM CDT
Mills 6 (30)
Select the FIRST area in which your presentation best fits.

Community, Vocational, and Technical Colleges

Presentation Format Requested

Concurrent Session (45 minutes)

Session Abstract

The session will cover the issues of traditional and nontraditional students at community colleges. The session will focus more on the issue of low student completion rates and discuss the implementation of guided pathways model to improve student success at the community colleges.

Target Audience

This session will focus especially on the audiences whom have had experiences with facilitating learning to post-secondary students from diverse backgrounds; community college faculty and staff; higher education faculty; workforce agency; industry; and policy makers in adult and continuing education.

Learning Outcomes

The audiences will know: the issues of traditional and nontraditional students at community colleges, and how guided pathways can be implemented to help facilitate student completion rates and success at the community colleges. In addition, participants will be welcomed to share and discuss their leadership, teaching, and counseling/advising experiences that might be helpful for novice and/or experienced leaders, teachers and/or counselors at the community college to improve students’ completion rates and success at the community colleges.

Session Description

The lecture is used regularly in educational setting. This 'living lecture' will be demonstrated, including added techniques interspersed within the lecture to provide multi-directional communication among speaker and audience participants. The short lecture will focus on community college students’ issues and the implementation of guided pathways that might be helpful for promoting student success. Before the lecture, the participants will be asked to serve as "listening teams" according to the section of the room they are sitting in—one section to listen to the presentation/lecture for points requiring clarification [the clarification team], another for points with which they disagree [the rebuttal team], another for points they wish to have elaborated on [the elaboration team], and a fourth for problems of practical application they wish the speaker to address [the application team]. After the short lecture, the teams will be asked to "buzz" in groups of about five to pool their thinking concerning the points they want raised, following which one member of each group in turn presents one point at a time, which they want addressed and the speaker responds until all items are discussed or time runs out.

Format & Technique

Through the use of what I call "A Living Lecture", participants and the facilitator share their experiences in facilitating student success at community colleges and how guided pathways might be a helpful tool to promote student completion rates and success at the community colleges. They will then utilize the process of raising and addressing questions for clarification, rebuttal, elaboration and practical application. Thus, participants and facilitator have the opportunity to discuss, debate and construct a usable framework of applying guided pathways model on improving student success at community colleges.

Primary Presenter

Somanita Kheang, EdD, Lindenwood University and North Carolina State University
Work Title

PhD Student and Managing Editor of Journal of Transformative Education
