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2020 Conference

May 18–20, 2020

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B3b Attitude Towards Consumer Credit Use: Scale Validation

Wednesday, May 20, 2020 at 11:00 AM–12:30 PM CDT
Room 3
Key Words

attitude, consumer credit, scale development, undergraduate and (post)graduate students

Short Description

Various ways of measuring attitude have their advantages and disadvantages and it becomes difficult to know which is the optimal way to achieve an accurate measurement (Krosnick, Judd, & Wittenbrink, 2019). The aim of this paper is to propose a scale measuring attitude towards consumer credit use based on different evidence of validity. An electronic survey was sent by email to students from two major universities in Quebec (Canada). A total of 1323 students completed it, whose 1006 were undergraduate students and 317 were (post)graduate students (male = 325, female = 981, not mentioned = 17). Messick's (1995) approach was used to collect several types of evidence of the validity of the construct. Preliminary results of an exploratory factor analysis indicate that three dimensions compose this scale: credit is good and useful (7 items; α =.818), credit worries (7 items; α =.723) and cost and indebtedness caused by credit (3 items ; α =.643). Knowing that attitude plays an important role and is significantly linked to the motivations for credit use and the method of selection for consumer financing (Pattarin & Cosma, 2012), an accurate measurement of attitude is essential to guide professionals and policy makers in their decision-making in the right direction.  

First & Corresponding Author

Jacinthe Cloutier, Laval University
Authors in the order to be printed

Jacinthe Cloutier
