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2020 Conference

May 18–20, 2020

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E3b Financial Literacy and Buying Behavior: Evidence from a Discrete Choice Experiment

Thursday, May 21, 2020 at 11:00 AM–12:30 PM CDT
Room 3
Key Words

Financial Literacy, Discrete Choice Experiment

Short Description

Consumers take daily purchase decisions in which they have to trade-off different attributes of a good. This study departs from standard consumer theory and considers the influence of price, credit constraints, information and promotional incentives on the decision to buy. We adopt a discrete choice experiment (DCE) to reveal which aspects are important when making a choice. Moreover, we investigate whether financial literate adolescents take different decisions. Our analysis is based on a unique sample of 628 secondary school students in grade 8. We show that the purchase decision is mainly affected by reviews, an effect that is even stronger for financial literate students. Overall, the results demonstrate that a comprehensive level of financial literacy is important to take sound consumption decisions on a day-to-day basis. This strengthens the call to further develop consumption-related financial literacy policy initiatives.

First & Corresponding Author

Kenneth De Beckker, KU Leuven
Authors in the order to be printed

Kenneth De Beckker, Kristof De Witte, Geert Van Campenhout

Additional Authors

Kristof De Witte, KU Leuven, Maastricht University
Geert Van Campenhout, KU Leuven, European Commission