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2020 Transformative Learning Conference

Poster: Life Strategies and O.C.E.A.N.

jueves, el 9 de abril de 2020 a las 16:30–18:00 CDT
Conference Thread

An introduction to the roots of TL learning theory and contemporary conceptualizations of TL

Student misconduct in the classroom can make a classroom setting feel toxic and uninviting to other students. This studies aim is to determine if there is a relationship between fast and slow life strategies and their O.C.E.A.N. scores from a questionnaire. We hypothesize that those with a fast life strategy will score higher on agreeableness and opennesss, but may also be more neurotic due to not having much stability in their lives. Because of this, we believe that having a STLR funded program to look into these underrepresented groups will help both us as research and UCO’s STLR program to better assist in any classroom misconduct. We are focusing on the Health and Wellness tenet for mental health purposes. We want students like this to know they have a place with research to help them with these classroom settings. We are also focusing on the RCSA tenet as this requires extensive research with the life strategies and O.C.E.A.N. scoring. STLR funding has allowed us to research something that we all believe to be both interesting and informative.


Elizabeth Pendley, University of Central Oklahoma
Emily Yannatone, University of Central Oklahoma
Ariel Yeoman , University of Central Oklahoma


Vickie Jean, University of Central Oklahoma