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AAACE 2021 Annual Conference

del 3 al 8 de October del 2021

Miramar Beach, Florida

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Use digital marketing to show ROI and drive the case for budget support

miércoles, el 6 de octubre de 2021 a las 08:00–08:25 EDT
Azalea I (105)

marketing, digital, ROI, measurement, budget

Session Abstract

ROI and budget go hand-in-hand when determining goals. Let's identify marketing strategies and determine budget allocation.

Learn intentional and effective marketing strategies to produce effective ROI measurement. Objectives that can be measured against company goals can make the case for additional marketing dollars. 

Session Description

The pandemic has certainly changed the way that colleges do business. It has also changed the way we learn and plan. Resources are tighter, budgets are leaner and focusing on digital-first leads to an entirely new way of executing communications and marketing. ROI and budget go hand-in-hand when determining marketing goals. Establishing measurable goals that can be tracked to revenue growth can help companies identify marketing strategies and determine budget allocation.

At a time where budgets may be tight, Search Influence can share tips to ensure intentional and effective marketing spending through digital marketing to produce effective ROI measurement. Ultimately, objectives that can be measured against company goals can make the case for additional marketing dollars.

Primary Presenter

Zeringue, Alison, Search Influence