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AAACE 2021 Annual Conference

del 3 al 8 de October del 2021

Miramar Beach, Florida

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The Self-Directed Learning Template

miércoles, el 6 de octubre de 2021 a las 17:00–18:30 EDT
Magnolia D (105)

Self-Directed Analysis Classification Evaluation Template

Session Abstract

The Self-Directed Learning Template (SDLT) is an innovative tool for employing techniques of critical analysis in the learning processIt is designed to equip adult learners with the skills to organize and integrate essential elements of a selected topic, and construct an adaptable, concise process for current and lifelong learning.

Session Description

The Self-Determined Learning Template (SDLT) is an innovative, proven and effective instrument for expanding an individual’s knowledge, facilitating retention, and cultivating critical thinking. While not intended to replace formal academic research, this method introduces a systematic way that enables any individual to explore and thoroughly learn and even master a topic. Its main elements are simple enough to commit to memory when needed.
Anyone with basic computer skills can create an SDLT. It is designed as a modifiable word-processed document, and can be adapted to analyze and evaluate essentially any written or even oral information.
The structured process may be used with a general topic or subject, or with a narrow subdivision of a topic. It is personalized, and can be used to assist in research or as a material reference when studying for a test, writing a paper, presenting a speech, or leading a discussion. It can be applied to an article, a book (or chapter in a book), a concept, theory, argument, practice, organization, and more.
As the SDLT method is not culture-specific, it can translate easily into other languages and is most useful when the Internet is readily accessible.

Primary Presenter

Preacher, Stephen, Southern Wesleyan University