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AAACE 2021 Annual Conference

del 3 al 8 de October del 2021

Miramar Beach, Florida

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Identity Literacy in Educational Spaces

jueves, el 7 de octubre de 2021 a las 15:55–16:10 EDT
Azalea I (105)

identity, critical theory

Session Abstract

This presentation seeks to inform one’s knowledge of identity development as an instrumental component of global citizenship for educational spaces in its various complexities and intersectionalities. It is through identity literacy that critical thinkers become equipped and informed to more effectively promote equity and social justice in education.

Session Description

This presentation seeks to inform our understanding of identity literacy as an instrumental component of global citizenship for adult education. Using the Critical Literacies Advancement Model (CLAM) as a framework, various complexities and intersections related to identity literacy are discussed. I propose that, by developing identity literacy, critical thinkers can become more globally aware citizens who are better equipped and informed to more effectively promote equity and social justice.

Primary Presenter

BURRELL-CRAFT, KALA, Old Dominion University (ODU)