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AAACE 2021 Annual Conference

del 3 al 8 de October del 2021

Miramar Beach, Florida

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The Power of our Self-Story

miércoles, el 6 de octubre de 2021 a las 09:00–09:25 EDT
Magnolia D (105)

Motivation, Self-Story, Personal Growth

Session Abstract

This presentation will explore the impact a student's Self-Story has on their motivation for learning. The presentation will be given using examples from a correctional classroom. The presenters will discuss the theory of Self-Story and share examples of how it has been effectively applied in the classroom.

Session Description

“The Stories we create to understand ourselves become the narratives of our lives” –Peter C. Brown.  Many of our students enter our programs with negative self-stories.  They tell themselves they are not the type of person that succeeds in school or it is not like them to earn a GED. This negative self-story leads the student to minimize the effort they put into earning their GED, all but ensuring they will not see graduation. This session will discuss the power a student’s self-story has over their achievement and provide strategies for changing a negative self-story into a positive one.  The surest way to help students find success in our programs is to help them see they are the type of person that succeeds in school.

Primary Presenter

Cronrath, Blaine, North Dakota Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation and Thirsty Horse Consulting

Additional/secondary Presenters

Mr. Jim Mahler, Jim, North Dakota Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation and Thirsty Horse Consulting