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AAACE 2021 Annual Conference

del 3 al 8 de October del 2021

Miramar Beach, Florida

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Adult education in a time of change: Quantum thinking for lifelong learning and learning society

jueves, el 7 de octubre de 2021 a las 14:15–14:40 EDT
Camellia I (84)

Quantum Thinking, Lifelong learning, Adult Education, Learning Society, Transformative learning

Session Abstract

Transformative learning (TL) theory and the quantum worldview (Wheatley, 2006; Zohar & Marshall, 1993) call for a mindset shift from the Newtonian mechanistic view towards a quantum thinking for potentials building a learning society in times of change expending adult education.

Session Description

Transformative learning (TL) theory and the quantum worldview (Wheatley, 2006; Zohar & Marshall, 1993) call for a mindset shift from the Newtonian mechanistic view towards a quantum thinking for potentials building a learning society in times of change expending adult education. Quantum's theory focuses on holism, connectedness, and interactions in the emergent processes. It presents potentials and possibilities through relationships. This conceptual study, looking at the cosmos' participatory nature, first examines lifelong learning for human growth as a key to enter the 4th industry evaluation era; then, it addresses potential reality created by adult learners via their lifelong learning and interactions. Third, it discusses how the interconnectedness and interactive relationships of all stakeholders of the learning system may open up towards each learner’s potentials and evoke the present reality as a whole for a learning society. Fourth, it explores the non-materials as invisible forces, including culture, values, and information that offer learners space and energy for a renewed vision and capacity building. The study concludes that the learning society as a system must be kept open for potentials through adult learners’ constant interactive participations, connected relationships, and open space for transformation, which generate continuous resources to sustain the learning society.

Primary Presenter

Sun, Qi, University of Tennessee, Knoxville