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AAACE 2021 Annual Conference

October 3–8, 2021

Miramar Beach, Florida

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Certification & Credentialing of Adult Basic Educators: State Policy Landscape Review

Thursday, October 7, 2021 at 4:15 PM–4:40 PM EDT
Magnolia F (105)

Policy, Adult Basic Educators, Licensure

Session Abstract

This session will review credentialing policies of individual state boards of education that lead to ABE educator licensure, including initial and continuing education requirements. Credentialing elements reviewed include education level, postsecondary courses and licensure exams. Policy theories and the professionalization of ABE occupations will be discussed.

Session Description

Currently, no federal policy exists requiring a specific level of education, credential, or licensure exam for educators who teach in adult basic education (ABE) setting. In lieu of federal policy, individual state boards of education have various regulations on the training, licensure, and continuing education requirements of this educator group –with a portion of states requiring no specific certification or credential to teach federal or state-supported adult basic education programs. In this session, a review of state ABE educator licensure policies – including any required degree, coursework, exams, and/or renewal policies –will be presented from a 2021 individual state board of education policy analysis study. A broader discussion on the benefits or detractors of adult basic educator licensure requirements will also be reviewed as potential next areas of this research study, including potential implications for adult basic education program outcomes, barriers to the profession, and the professionalization of adult education occupations. The policy review study is timely as the pandemic has highlighted disparities in adult education learning and adult basic education delivery. Consistent, robust, and relevant occupational licensing regulations may serve as an avenue to enhance adult basic education delivery and student learning outcomes.

Primary Presenter

Taylor, April, University of Arkansas