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AAACE 2021 Annual Conference

del 3 al 8 de October del 2021

Miramar Beach, Florida

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Opening the aperture: Moving adult education away from an anti-Black racism mentality

miércoles, el 6 de octubre de 2021 a las 08:00–08:25 EDT
Azalea II (105)

anti-Black racism, structural racism, intersectionality

Session Abstract

Racial oppression is real, felt on multiple levels,occuring across various institutions and systems. Adult education is no exception.  It is present in our practice and theory. In this panel, we seek to operationalize anti-Black racism and discuss strategies that would enable Adult Education to move away from that mentality.

Session Description

By the time of this presentation, we will be living in the aftermath of the George Floyd murder trial. We will know if anti-Black racism ruled the day or if racial justice was meted out, even if only in small measure. Racial oppression did not start with George Floyd, and we know that securing a conviction will not end it. Racial oppression is rampant worldwide but has a peculiar history in the US. While all racial and ethnic groups, particularly those that identify as Black and Brown have endured racial prejudice and discrimination, Black people of African descent have historically and persistently been the target of racialized ire. So much so that such ire has been termed anti-Black racism. But what does this mean and what does it mean for adult education as a field and for adult educators seeking to develop a practice that resists anti-Black racism. A panel of four adult educators will discuss these issues related to anti-Black racism from an intersectionality perspective. Offering a richly nuanced discussion of this complex issue along with strategies for resistance provides an entry point for adult educator to open their aperture, and create practices that dismantle and resist anti-Black racism.

Primary Presenter

Merriweather, Lisa, University of North Carolina (UNC) at Charlotte

Additional/secondary Presenters

Privott, Daryl, Morehead State. University
Gnanadass, Edith, The University of Memphis
Ramdeholl, Dianne, SUNY Empire State College