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A2b Homeownership and Perceived Financial Satisfaction: Insights from the SHED
Short Description
Homeownership is often referred to as, "the American Dream." However, rising cost of homeownership may restrict some households ability to purchase a home. Given the cultural significance of owning a home in America, this study seeks to understand the relationship between homeownership and financial satisfaction using data from the 2022 wave of the Survery of Household Economics and Decisionmaking (SHED). If homeownership positively influences financial satisfaction, it is possible that homeownership may lead to improvements in financial and overall wellbeing. This study provides a nuanced examination of the factors influencing financial satisfaction, focusing on home ownership, mortgage status, financial literacy, financial stress, financial behaviors, and socio-demographic characteristics. By leveraging established frameworks like the Life Cycle Hyptohesis (LCH), Bhevioral Life Cycle Hypothesis (BLCH), and the Joo and Grable Financial Satisfaction Framework, the study situates itself within the broader literature on financial well-being and adds depth to the undersrtanding of financial satisfaction determinants in the United States.
Type of presentation
Accepted Oral Presentation