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2025 Annual Conference

April 15–17, 2025

Omni William Penn, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

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B3c Racial/Ethnic Differences in Household Debt Payment Delinquency Among Renters and Homeowners

Tuesday, April 15, 2025 at 5:15 PM–6:45 PM CDT
Room 3
Short Description

This study examines racial/ethnic differences in household debt payment delinquency among U.S. renters and homeowners. Using the 2022 Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF), the research investigates racial/ethnic disparities in delinquency rates controlling for the financial obligation ratio, financial knowledge confidence levels, and other household characteristics. Renter and homeowners are analyzed separately. Renters typically experience higher financial burdens, dedicating a larger share of their income to rent, leading to increased vulnerability to debt delinquency. The study utilizes logit regression models to explore the impact of racial/ethnic status on debt payment delinquency. Renter households have much higher delinquency rates than homeowner households. Black renters have significantly higher delinquency rates than White renters, and Black homeowners have significantly higher delinquency rates than White homeowners, even when controlling for household characteristics. Asian and Hispanic renters and homeowners do not have significantly different delinquency rates than corresponding White renters and owners. The results highlight the importance of separating renters and homeowners in debt analysis and suggest the need for targeted interventions to reduce racial and ethnic disparities in financial vulnerability.

Type of presentation

Accepted Oral Presentation


Zihan Ren, The Ohio State University


Zihan Ren, The Ohio State University
Sherman Hanna, The Ohio State University