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G4a Achieving Financial Independence: The Interplay of Social Security Disability Insurance, the Affordable Care Act, and Economic Empowerment - Evidence from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics
Short Description
This research utilizes the Panel Study of Income Dynamics dataset to examine the impact of the Affordable Care Act on labor force participation and overall well-being among workers with disabilities, with a particular focus on expanding individuals with Medicaid and access to healthcare exchanges. It also examines the ACA and Medicaid expansion associations on income level change for individuals with disabilities and compares labor force participation for individuals with disabilities between states that have adopted Medicaid expansion and those that haven't. The preliminary findings in this study add empirical evidence that the Affordable Care Act and Medicaid expansion positively impact labor participation levels and directly benefit family income levels due to better healthcare access, especially for individuals from lower incomes or with disabilities.
Type of presentation
Accepted Oral Presentation