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H2a Dealing with the Aftermath: Understanding Political Sympathy’s Association with Financial Perspectives, Wellness, Efficacy, and Portfolio Actions and How to Help Clients After Major Events
Short Description
Presidential elections can be unsettling for individuals as they consider changes that may not reflect their social and fiscal values and confront the specter that they could live the next four years under misaligned policies. At the same time, the stock market and the economy have historically fared well regardless of the political party in control or whether the election resulted in a change in leadership. With the political atmosphere in the United States becoming increasingly charged, the opportunity for panic is elevated, most notably for individuals who lean heavier into their political identity. Financial mistakes made today due to heightened emotional states can have a lifelong deleterious impact. The present study explores whether changes in economic and market expectations after an election were driven by political conviction and whether partisanship manifested in different actions to one’s portfolio. We also contemplate the election’s partisanship effects on financial well-being and financial self-efficacy, both of which have been shown to impact decision-making. We conclude this paper with practical techniques to help individuals look beyond the current political environment and refocus on long-term planning.
Type of presentation
Accepted Oral Presentation