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2025 Annual Conference

April 15–17, 2025

Omni William Penn, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

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F3b Fintech Use, Financial Confidence, and Financial Health among Young Adult Consumers

Thursday, April 17, 2025 at 8:00 AM–9:30 AM CDT
Room 3
Short Description

The current study investigated the mediation effect of financial confidence on the relationship between fintech use and financial health among college students. From February to May 2023, a self-reported survey was conducted to collect primary data from college students. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to identify reliable factors with SPSS Macro Process Model 4. The results indicated that financial confidence fully mediated the relationship between fintech use and financial health. Fintech use was positively associated with financial confidence, and financial confidence predicted financial health. Moreover, the direct impact of fintech use on financial health was insignificant. The findings indicate that fintech should be adopted as a tool to shape young adult consumers’ financial health by building their financial confidence. Financial institutions, financial planners, and governments should apply these empirical findings to their potential young adult clients.

Type of presentation

Accepted Oral Presentation


Ying Chen, Central Connecticut State University


Ying Chen, Central Connecticut State University
Weihong Ning, Central Connecitcut State University
Joo Eng Lee-Partridge, Central Connecitcut State University
Christopher Lee, Central Connecitcut State University