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2025 Annual Conference

April 15–17, 2025

Omni William Penn, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

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E4a Applying Text Analysis to Understand High School Personal Finance Course Offerings in the United States

Wednesday, April 16, 2025 at 3:45 PM–5:15 PM CDT
Room 4
Short Description

In this study, I employ text analysis to examine the wide range of personal finance courses available to high school students in the US. I focus on text information available in the course names and course descriptions collected for more than 19,000 courses offered in high schools across the US. Course descriptions and course names include important information that is used by many decision makers, including students, instructors, prospective employers, and post-secondary educational institutions (Oregon State University, 2024). I will analyze trends in the content and objectives of high school personal finance courses across time and geography. The findings from this study will contribute a new perspective on differences in the implementation of personal finance course mandates at the local level.

Type of presentation

Accepted Oral Presentation


Madelaine L'Esperance, University of Alabama


Madelaine L'Esperance, University of Alabama