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2015 Conference

May 7–8, 2015

Framingham, MA

MATSOL 2015 Conference 

May 6-8,205 | Framingham Sheraton Hotel & Conference Center

Presenters are invited to upload their session handouts. Click on the session title to view resources.

Explore the Core: Supporting Standards Implementation for All Learners

Friday, May 8, 2015 at 8:30 AM–9:15 AM EDT
Grand North
Session Abstract

Since the introduction and implementation of the updated Massachusetts Curriculum Framework and WIDA, districts have worked to ensure instructional practices are standards-based and meet the needs of diverse learners. This presentation examines one district's approach towards integrating the standards and incorporating Universal Design for Learning practices to support all learners.

Session Type

Practice-Oriented Presentation (45 minutes)

Primary Audience

General Audience

Lead Presenter

Kavita Venkatesh, Boston Public Schools


Kerri Lamprey, Boston Public Schools

Session Materials
