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Sixth International Conference on Immersion and Dual Language Education: Connecting Research and Practice Across Contexts

du 20 au 22 October 2016

Hyatt Regency Hotel, Minneapolis, MN, USA

Pre-Conference Workshop: Secondary Immersion Programming: Challenges, Successes and Opportunities!

jeudi 20 octobre 2016 à 13:30–16:00 CDT
Greenway Ballroom G
Session Type

Paper/Best Practice Session (1 hour)

Program Summary

Secondary immersion programs face special challenges as well as unique opportunities for immense student growth in language mastery and community building. In this workshop, key issues such as articulation, course selection, materials, curriculum development, staffing, and late entry will be discussed while presenting a few successful models. There will be time for questions and sharing by participants.

Lead Presenter/organizer

Liz Hathaway-Castelán, Saint Paul Public Schools

Dual Language Program Manager

State (in US) or Country


Elizabeth Dwight, Anwatin Middle School

Spanish Immersion Coordinator

State (in US) or Country


Martha J. Johnson, Secondary Immersion and Solutions in Education

Education Consultant

State (in US) or Country



Matériel de séance

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