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2018 Gender Odyssey

del 21 al 24 de June del 2018

Los Angeles, California

The Most Vulnerable Years: Supporting and Protecting Transgender and GNC Middle and High Schoolers

jueves, el 21 de junio de 2018 a las 11:00–12:20 PDT
J East
Workshop Description

Middle and high school teachers, counselors, school social workers, librarians, coaches, and school site administrators are a regular presence in the lives of youth. Many of our trans/GNC youth do not have family acceptance, are not out to their family, and/or do not have the support of their family. To feel the support, affirmation, and inclusion by an educator is profoundly important. Come learn ways, small and large, to have a lasting positive impact on the transgender and gender-nonconforming youth at your school. An experienced school social worker will share how she has not only found ways to support, affirm and help protect them, but also engage the larger community of educators to stand up for these vulnerable youths. There will be time for Q & A and discussion of specific issues at your school.

Conference Track


Primary Contact

Ms. Maria Al-Shamma, MSW, PPCS, North County LGBTQ Resource Center and Vista Unified School District

Workshop Presenters

Maria Al-Shamma, MSW, PPCS, North County LGBTQ Resource Center and Vista Unified School District
Presenter Bio

Maria Al-Shamma, a school social worker in San Diego, is the board chair for the North County LGBTQ Resource Center and also a Welcoming Schools™ Trainer. She is passionate about standing up for queer youth and works to help them feel safe, welcomed, affirmed, empowered, and loved. Maria serves middle and high school students in the Vista Unified School District and works closely with area GSA advisors.

Materiales de la sesión
