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2019 Conference

del 2 al 4 de May del 2019

College Park Marriott, Hyattsville, MD

F5 - College Counselor's Toolkit

sábado, el 4 de mayo de 2019 a las 09:00–10:15 EDT add to calendar
1101 (48)
Session Description

For many years these presenters worked to develop a comprehensive college counseling program which has been used at several Public high schools in Montgomery County. Regardless of your setting (private, public or community based) this program model can work to help prepare juniors and seniors for college exploration and the admissions process. Program design includes student data collection tools and programs used in conjunction with college exploration and admissions platforms such as Naviance, Common Application and Coalition Application, department driven student and parent information forms and documents needed to engage in the process, grade level meeting outlines and PowerPoints, workshop ideas, individual and small group activities, field trips, college panels, on-site admission programs and PSAT day activities.

Target audience



Susanne Bray, Sherwood High School


Susanne Bray, Sherwood High School
Brief biographical sketch, to include educational background

Sue Bray has been a school counselor for over 20 years working as a school counselor at both the middle and high school levels.Ms. Bray earned her M.Ed in school counseling from the University of Pittsburgh and a BA in psychology from Millersville Univ

Phalia West, Thomas Edison High School of Technology
Brief biographical sketch, to include educational background

After working many years as a College and Career Information Coordinator, Ms. West earned her degree in School Counseling from Loyola University and began working as a school counselor this year

Materiales de la sesión
