MATSOL 2016 Conference Online Program
Storybook Cafe
jueves, el 5 de mayo de 2016 a las 08:30–09:15 EDT
5 Ashland
Storybook Cafe is a quarterly project where ELLs compose their own stories based on thematic units. After writing their stories, the ELLs are joined by staff and families for culminating read-aloud events. The program increases literacy, WIDA levels, and confidence of ELLs. It also builds parent involvement and classroom community.
Session Type
Interactive Workshop (45 minutes)
Topic Strand
Reading, Writing, Literacy
Primary Audience
General (of interest to PK-12, adult, and higher education)
Secondary Audience
General (of interest to PK-12, adult, and higher education)
Rachel Weislow, J.D., M.Ed., Boston Public Schools
Biographical Statement
Rachel Weislow, J.D., M.Ed., is an ESL instructor at East Boston High School in Boston Public Schools.