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2016 Conference

del 5 al 6 de May del 2016

Framingham, MA

MATSOL 2016 Conference Online Program


Achieving Durable Gains in Academic Vocabulary with Long-Term ELLs

viernes, el 6 de mayo de 2016 a las 10:30–11:15 EDT
5 Ashland

Academic vocabulary is a particular source of difficulty for long term English language learners.  Participants will learn how to use the Academic Word List and various electronic resources to systematically target and teach the highest utility academic vocabulary terms using authentic informational text.

Session Type

Interactive Workshop (45 minutes)

Topic Strand

Reading, Writing, Literacy

Primary Audience

Middle Schools (6-8)

Secondary Audience

High Schools (9-12)


Ms. Michelle Austin, Fitchburg Public Schools
Biographical Statement

Michelle Austin is a middle school ESL teacher for the Fitchburg Public Schools. She focuses on academic language development with long-term English language learners.



Materiales de la sesión
